The Burgess Animal Book for Children

by Thornton W. BURGESS (1874 - 1965)

TWO FAMOUS SWIMMERS -- Billy Mink and Little Joe Otter.

The Burgess Animal Book for Children

Peter Rabbit goes to school, with Mother Nature as his teacher. In this zoology book for children, Thornton W. Burgess describes the mammals of North America in the form of an entertaining story, including plenty of detail but omitting long scientific names. There is an emphasis on conservation. (Summary by Laurie Anne Walden)

Listen next episodes of The Burgess Animal Book for Children:
BOBBY COON ARRIVES -- The Raccoon and the Civet or Ring-tailed Cat, also called Coon Cat and Bassaris. , BUGLER, FLATHORNS AND WANDERHOOF -- The Elk or Wapiti, Moose or Caribou. , BUSTER BEAR NEARLY BREAKS UP SCHOOL -- The Black Bear and his habits. , BUSTER BEAR'S BIG COUSINS -- Silvertip, the Grizzly Bear, the Alaska or Great Brown Bear and the Polar Bear. , LIGHTFOOT, BLACKTAIL AND FORKHORN -- The White-tailed or Virginia Deer, Black-tailed Deer and Mule Deer. , OLD MAN COYOTE AND HOWLER THE WOLF -- The Prairie Wolf or Coyote and the Timber or Gray Wolf. , PIGGY AND HARDSHELL -- The Peccary or Wild Pig and the Armadillo. , REDDY FOX JOINS THE SCHOOL -- The Red, Black and Silver Foxes, Gray Fox, Kit Fox or Swift, Desert Fox, Arctic and Blue Foxes. , SOME BIG AND LITTLE CAT COUSINS -- Puma the Panther, also called Cougar and Mountain Lion, the Jaguar, the Ocelot, and the Jaguarundi Cat or Eyra. , SPITE THE MARTEN AND PEKAN THE FISHER -- The Pine Marten or American Sable and the Fisher or Pennant Marten. , THE MAMMALS OF THE SEA -- The Sea Otter, Walrus, Sea Lions, Seals and Manatee or Sea Cow. , THUNDERFOOT, FLEETFOOT AND LONGCOAT -- The Buffalo or Bison, Antelope or Musk-ox. , TWO WONDERFUL MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS -- The Rocky Mountain Sheep or Bighorn and the Rocky Mountain Goat. , UNC' BILLY AND OLD MRS. POSSUM -- The Virginia Opossum, which is the only American Marsupial. , YOWLER AND HIS COUSIN TUFTY -- The Bay Lynx or Bob Cat and the Canada Lynx or Lucivee.